Marine Litter Solutions
Marine Litter Solutions

To create a platform for action, since 2011 a total of 80 world plastics organisations in 43 countries have signed the global Declaration for Solutions on Marine Litter.

By pledging the declaration, each of these associations voluntarily committed to adopt additional improvements to reduce the effects of ocean pollution and agreed to focus their efforts on these six key objectives:

  • Raising awareness.
  • Research for facts.
  • Promoting best practices.
  • Sharing knowledge.
  • Enhanced recovery.
  • Preventing pellet losses.

According to the most recent progress report from June 2020, approximately 395 marine litter projects have been planned, or are underway, or completed around the globe. Projects range in size, focus, and scope, and involve an ever-growing number of partners. All are forging cooperation and furthering progress to reduce and prevent marine litter, and improve understanding of how best it can be eliminated.

Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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