Chemical Movetech


“Mobilizing Opportunities in Vocational Education with Innovative Technologies”

The Chemical Movetech project will result in an interactive e-learning platform with training materials on five topics: raw materials, production process, waste, packaging and health&safety for those working in chemical industry. The product, which will be hosted on an e-learning management system, will be accessible after the lifespan of the funded project.

Labour market both in EU and Turkey is facing the problem that the knowledge and skills of graduates and employees in chemical industry do not correspond to the labour market needs. Chemical industry is a relatively young industry, mainly SMEs and they are in difficulty to find the financial resources needed to offer training to their employees. To respond to these difficulties, e-learning modules which are available for everybody will be developed. E-learning tool in question will support the acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development, employability and participation in European Labour Market.

CHEMICAL MOVETECH (2013-1-TR1-LEO05-47543)

Project Web Site:

Chemical Movetech ePortal:

Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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