Recycling & Recovery
Recycling & Recovery

Even at the end-of-life phase, plastics remain a too valuable resource to be simply thrown away. If Europe was exploiting the full potential of plastics for recycling and recovery and applying today’s best practices and technologies in an eco-efficient* manner, this would lead to a: 

  • saving in natural resources equivalent to 25% of France’s annual oil consumption[1]. 
  • reduction of 9 million tonnes/year of CO2 emissions, which represents a significant contribution to climate protection[2].

Such improvements will require appropriate actions to ban land filling of plastics and the establishment of recovery-oriented collection schemes. These will need to be aligned with modern sorting infrastructure and improved recycling and recovery in order exploit the fullest potential of this precious resource. Furthermore with a focus on high quality and market standards this will stimulate markets for the more resource efficient use of end-of-life plastics throughout Turkey. 

PAGEV is committed and prepared to support such developments with specific know-how and expertise, through an open dialogue with all relevant stakeholders and the general public supported by fact-based information. 

[1] calculation according to IEA methodology, 2009 
[2] Prognos and others, 2009 

* The eco-efficiency of a product or service describes its societal, environmental as well as its economic performance

Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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