PAGEV President
TOBB Plastics, Rubber and Composite Industry Assembly President
SEM Plastik Board of Directors Chair

Born in Istanbul in 1973, Yavuz Eroğlu graduated from Istanbul Technical University Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering. He took master’s degree from Boğaziçi University Department of Biomedical Engineering and Marmara University Department of Management Organization. He got leadership trainings from Micheal Porter at Harvard University.

He started his business life at their family-owned company, SEM Plastik. Having served at various roles, he has been the Managing Partner of SEM Plastik since 2002. Eroğlu is also the Chairman of Executive Boards of the group companies SEM Global Dış Ticaret and Credoy Polimer. He is the president of Turkish Plastics Industrialists’ Research, Development and Education Foundation (PAGEV) which is one of Turkiye’s top business NGO’s. Eroğlu is the president of the union of chambers and commodity exchanges of Turkiye (TOBB) Plastics, Composites& Rubber Industry Assembly. He is founder president of PAGCEV (Green Transition and Technology Association)

Eroğlu is also board member of EUPC (European Plastics Converters) . He is the the Advisory Board of MECC (Middle East Center of Commerce) established by the US Chamber of Trade.

He is the author of around fifty national and international academic papers on plastics, petrochemicals, packaging, environment, recycling, health, sustainability and macroeconomics, and is member of various juries. He delivered speeches at several conferences about petrochemicals, plastics industry, entrepreneurship and finance, in and abroad. Yavuz Eroğlu managed Turkish leg of the Waste Free Oceans (WFO) project under the name “Mutlu Balıklar”.

As an amateur marathon runner, Eroğlu speaks English and German.


Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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