Plast Eurasia İstanbul 2015 Fuarı
Plast Eurasia İstanbul 2015 Fuarı
  • Location
    Tuyap Fair Convention and Congress Center, İstanbul.
  • Date
    03-12-2015 - 06-12-2015
  • Contact Us
    PAGEV -

Annually organized by PAGEV and TÜYAP, the PlastEurasia - 25th International Istanbul Plastic Industry Fair welcomed its visitors between the 3rd and 6th of December. The largest annually organised Plastic exhibition in Europe and the second largest in the world, PlastEurasia - International Istanbul Plastic Industry Fair celebrated its 25th anniversary in a rejoiceful ambiance.


PAGEV is Turkey’s Plastic Industrialist’s Foundation for advancing the Plastic Industry . It has members from Plastic Value Chain that cover %80 of all Plastic Revenue in Turkey. It partners with Fair organizer Tuyap to make this PlastEuroasia exhibition each year.


The PlastEurasia Fair hosted 1143 companies and company representatives from 55 countries, and around 50,000 professional visitors. Leased space has increased by 28 percent for machinery producers and 18 percent for raw material producers, hitting attendance record high in 2015. In 2014, this fair was organized over an indoor area of 98,000 m2, hosting 1067 companies and company representatives, visited by 43,756 professionals.


Exhibitors from China, other Far Eastern countries and Europe in particular joined the largest industry brands from all over Turkey in this fair by PAGEV, having the opportunity to become familiar with innovations in plastics and the most recent technologies. Producers offered their newest products to the customers in the 25th International Istanbul Plastics Industry Fair. Hosted buyers from various countries signed vital agreements.


Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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