PAGEV will train European plastics companies

Today's rapidly advancing technology brings innovation to our lives. Industries integrate these innovations into their manufacturing processes to keep themselves up-to-date. Chemical industry is one of these industries... First e-learning modules of the Leonardo Da Vinci-Chemical Movetech Project started as part of the European Union Lifelong Learning Program in 2013 aiming to build a skilled workforce are ready... As a partner to the project, PAGEV prepared a module on plastics production technologies, raw materials, additives, waste, packaging and occupational safety topics. This training module will be available online at the end of December to all Turkish and European plastics producers.

Started in 2013, first e-learning modules of the "Chemical Movetech" project coordinated by İKMİB (Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters' Association) and partnered by Turkish Plastics Foundation (PAGEV), Lithuania, Poland and Spain are ready. Carrying on the plastics module of the project that means "Supporting Innovative Technologies in Vocational Education Systems", PAGEV aims to improve knowledge and skills of the people working in the plastics industry, and help them integrate new developments into their works with this project. This program involves not only Turkey but also all of the EU-member states. Therefore, all plastics producers in Europe will receive this training from PAGEV's online training kit and videos.

Information on plastics production technologies, common polymers, raw materials, additives, occupational health and safety, waste and packaging will be available at at the end of December. Developed in harmony with the system applied in Europe, this module will also offer interactive videos.

Explaining that Turkish plastics industry became the second biggest producer after Germany with its capacity thanks to the rapid growth and defining the next target as 'high added-value production', the Chairman of the Executive Board of PAGEV Yavuz Eroğlu said: "As the plastics industry, we have been expressing our need for skilled workforce in every platform. In this respect, we built two vocational schools: one in Gebze, one in Halkalı. We are trying to improve vocational education and create skilled workforce for the industry. We are also organizing training sessions for sector employees. However, we need to improve our employees' knowledge and professional competency. We prepared videos and a training kit for our Turkish and European peers as part of this Chemical Movetech project. We got a digital platform that is really important for our industry. Recent information about our industry is just one click away now. We have to keep pace with the rapidly changing technology. Thanks to this project, we will be able to use this method in our country, which was successfully applied in Europe. We hereby thank İKMİB for starting the Chemical Movetech project and leading our industry. We need projects like this to provide our country with skilled workforce. I hope, this will project serves as a model for other industries."

Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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