PAGEV-PAGÇEV visited the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization


Authorized by PAGEV for packaging wastes in parallel with the "Responsible Industry, Problem-Free Environment" mission, PAGÇEV makes great progress with their works. PAGÇEV collaborated with 40 municipalities all over the country in 2015 to reach 8 million individuals. Planning to increase this quantity in 2016 with projects, PAGÇEV shared their new-year strategies with Fatma Güldemet Sarı, the Minister of Environment and Urbanization. The Minister promoted the importance of waste recycling, packaging in particular, important for Turkey and the next generations, and emphasized that they will give their countenance to PAGEV's and PAGÇEV's efforts.

PAGÇEV (Turkish Plastics Foundation Recycling Entity), the organization authorized by Ministry of Environment and Urbanization on the packaging wastes, continues their works to reduce, reuse and recycle the packaging wastes as part of the waste management plans. PAGÇEV visited Sarı in his office to share their new-year projects and strategies, and took the Ministry's incremental support for their activities regarding collection of packaging wastes at source.

In cooperation with 40 municipalities in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Konya, Muğla, Bursa, Çanakkale, Denizli, Aydın, Mersin, Antalya, Balıkesir, Sakarya and Isparta concerning the collection of packaging waste, PAGÇEV reached 8 million individuals, with a hundred percent increase vs previous year. PAGÇEV recycled a substantial amount of PET bottles (around 100 thousand tons) manufactured in Turkey, contributing approximately TL150 million to the Turkish economy. Moreover, PAGÇEV gave their supports to raise awareness on recycling and carried out particularly elementary school- and homemaker-oriented training and awareness works all the year round. PAGÇEV aims to heighten citizens' awareness on recycling with their public service ad.

Activities and future cooperative actions of Yavuz Eroğlu, the President of PAGEV and Chairman of WFO Turkey/Middle East/Africa, with the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization were also discussed during the meeting. The latest developments about the "Mutlu Balıklar" (Happy Fishes, translation for 'WFO') project which is a follow-up for the Waste Free Oceans movement initiated in Europe by the European Plastics Converters (EuPC) –and PAGEV as a member– and undertaken by the plastics industry in Turkey for elimination of the marine litter problem were passed on. Fishermen clean the sea surface from the materials made of metal, glass, plastics, etc using a special net to recycle them and restore their economic value as part of this project, commenced right after the fishing ban. This project is meant to be a side income for the fishermen over the course of the fishing ban. Moreover, non-recyclable waste will be combusted in cement plants for enerji efficiency.

President of PAGEV Yavuz Eroğlu presented PAGEV Badge of Honor to the Minister for her attention to this meeting where plastics industry and its problems were discussed.

Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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