Turkish Plastic Industry Update and Future Perspectives Under Recent Circumstances

We, as PAGEV (Turkish Plastics Industry Foundation), will organize a press conference at K 2016 Fair. We would like to intive you to join press conference on 21 October 2016, between 14.00-15.00 in Hall 1, Room 110.

In our press conference we will share with you the facts and figures about Turkish Plastics Industry which is the second largest in Europe after Germany and 6th largest gloabally in terms of plastic products manufacturing. We will also give details about Turkish Exibits at the K Show and future perspective under the light of last circumstances as well as insights. All questions would be welcomed.

Facts and Figures In and Instance

• Plastics industry embraced growth by increasing production in 2015. Production capacity of the industry reached 8.6 million tons by a 3.2% increase in 2015 vs previous year. Production on value basis declined by 6.6 percent reaching $32.9. Drop in oil prices and EUR-USD parity brought losses on value basis.
• Out of 8.6 million tons of plastics production in 2015, plastic packaging took the lead with 3.4 million tons, followed by plastic construction materials with 1.9 million tons.
• With this amount of production, plastics industry used its full capacity by 73 percent. Domestic consumption in the industry increased 4.1 percent reaching 7.6 million tons vs same period of the previous year.
• Commodity exports in Turkish plastics industry decreased in amount and value in 2015 vs 2014. Amount of exports became 1.58 million tons decreasing by 1.6% with a 12.8% decline on the basis of value reaching $4.34 billion. Top export destinations of the plastics industry were listed respectively as Iraq, Germany and England.
• Another problem is insufficient national production of feedstock; import-dependency continued in 2015. Feedstock import in the industry increased by 3.7 percent reaching 6.3 million tons, while declining by 15.1 percent on value basis reaching $9.4 billion.
• Plastics feedstock production in 2015 was around 1 million tons. Plastics feedstock export increased by 2.6 percent reaching 688 tons in the same period. There was a 17 percent decrease on value basis reaching $933 million. Top export destinations of the Turkish plastics industry were listed as Germany, Egypt and Russia in 2015.
• Investments on production equipment costed $765 million on average in the last five years. 25 percent of these equipment were manufactured in Turkey while 75 percent were imported. Plastics machine, mold and equipment production in Turkey should be increased, in terms of both quality and capacity.


PAGEV is the trade Foundation, based in Istanbul, representing Turkish Plastics Value Chain. PAGEV now totals 650 trustees and 1250 related members representing %80 of all Industry Revenue. PAGEV has its own Plastic Vocational Training Schools with 2000 students. And has a subsidiary which is one of the three Authorized Recycling Scheme Companies of Turkey. PAGEV also organizes the one of the world’s top largest Plastic Exhibitions done annually called “PlastEurasia”.

PAGEV video link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpmk9oKiwVM

Turkish Plastics Industry Follow-up Report

RSVP: Yagmur CENGIZ, yagmur.cengiz@pagev.net.tr

Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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