Press Release of the President of PAGEV Mr. Yavuz EROĞLU

According to the most recent regulation on imports from Iran, Turkish companies will be obliged to have the invoices used for product import operations approved by the Turkish Consulate in Iran effective from Monday, 24.07.2017. This regulation is mentioned to be a response to a similar practice (reciprocity) executed against Turkish importers by Iran.

Iran took a decision in 2016, forcing Turkish exporters to have approval of the Iranian Consulate in Turkey for export operations to Iran. Extra expenses imposed by the Consulate for additional bureaucratic procedures caused extra costs and loss of time. Turkey adopted a similar practice for imports from Iran based on reciprocity.

Turkey imports goods worth of $4.7 billion, i.e. $3.6 billion mineral oils (oil and derivatives), around $500 million petrochemicals and almost $400 million Metals and Alloys from Iran. Iran is the third biggest destination for plastics import in Turkey with 10% share. Not to mention $1.7 billion gold export fromIran, Turkey exports almost $5 billion to Iran, mostly including machinery, textile, plastic products, furnishing and white/brown appliances.

We have positive trade relations with Iran, and this relation is improved by every decision taken by governments of two neighboring countries year-by-year.

Unfortunately this recent regulation does nothing but complicating industrial procedures for both Iranian and Turkish industrialists, increase costs and adversely influence mutual trade relations.

Optimal solution is mutual elimination of this obligation that narrows trade relations between Iran and Turkey. Accordingly, we are in contact with Iranian companies that maintain trade relations with Turkey, closely following this topic.

Moreover, Developing Eight (Organization for Economic Cooperation) founded by certain countries including Iran and Turkey (Iran being the Secretariat) will serve as the most effective platform for mutual resolution of this problem.

As Iranian and Turkish industrial representatives, we are ready to endeavor any possible efforts to leverage trade and cooperation between Iran and Turkey, and solve any problem in good neighborhood relations.




PAGEV is the trade Foundation, based in Istanbul, representing Turkish Plastics Value Chain.PAGEV now totals 700 trustees and 1750 related members representing %85 of all Industry Revenue. PAGEV has its own Plastic Vocational Tranining Schools with 2000 students. And has a subsidiary which is one of the three Authorised Recycling Scheme Companies of Turkish Republic PAGEV also organizes the One of the World’s top largest Plastic Exhibitions done annualy called “Plasteuroasia”.

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Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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