11th PAGEV Turkish Plastics Industry Congress

The day before Plast Eurasia hits Istanbul, PAGEV, the Turkish Plastics Industry Foundation, is bringing thought leaders in plastics in transportation together.

The 11th PAGEV Turkish Plastics Industry Congress follows the main theme of 'The future of transportation vehicles: PLASTICS' at the Hilton Istanbul Bomonti and will cover materials meeting the new challenges facing transportation. Experts from BASF, ENGEL, KraussMaffei, 3M, Mercedes and Ford are among the speakers.

The event begins at 09.00 local time on December 6th 2016 with the morning sessions covering key topics such as aviation, innovation and lightweight composites, while the afternoon sessions cover the theme 'Lightweight strategies in automotive'.

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Plast Eurasia 3-6 December 2025
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